How To Deal With Depression - The Key To Breaking Out Of Depression

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hey this is Leo for actualise org and in this video I'm going to tell you how to deal with depression let's talk about dealing with depression I actually already have a video on this topic and now I want to cover it from a slightly differing GLE so you should also check out that video I'm gonna link it down below it's called why am I depressed in this video I have some additional thoughts to add so before we get into the meat of it and I really want to give you something here that you can take away with you and you can sort of take action on so this can be a very powerful video for you if you take it seriously and you really listen and open your mind to what I'm telling you before we get into that though what I want to talk about is the different types of depression that are out there so I think it's important to basically distinguish between two types I'm saying that there's two types there's basically hard core clinical depression which is actually a very rare thing and that means that you have actually something in your brain that's eliminating your ability to be happy this could be a genetic thing that you acquired this could be something that happened because of the way you were raised or the way you you were you were birthed so you literally got missing neurotransmitters and because of this something's going wrong you're not getting the kinds of levels of happiness that you should from your life this is clinical medical serious depression now the problem is that most people like to think that they have that when in fact that's not what they have what they actually have is they have a much more milder version of depression which is really a self-inflicted form of depression which comes about from having bad psychology so the analogy they like to use here is think of it like a computer right you have a computer and you've got the computer hardware and you've also got the computer software now if you're having a problem with your computer that's running slow you've got bugs and glitches and in a way that it's working then you could have basically two fundamental types of problems one is that you could have faulty equipment inside the computer the hardware could be bugged out because there's some bad circuitry in there so it's just defective hardware the other type of problem you could have is that you just have bad software there's a bug in the software you've got a virus in the system or something is corrupt there so the software is running in correctly now with depression it's actually probably similar to what it's like with the computer when you have a problem if your computer rarely is the case that you've got bad Hardware usually it's the software that's the problem you've got a virus or something like that is going wrong now it's similar with people who are depressed especially nowadays right a lot of people are depressed nowadays we have record numbers of depressed people and mostly is because of the bad psychology that's happening here so if you feel like you have real honest clinical depression I mean nothing against that go see a doctor and get the medication that you need for that you know get a diagnosis but also be careful because a lot of times doctors will like to medicate you when in fact what you've got is you've got a software problem and that medicine that you're getting is not going to solve a software problem it will only work on a hardware problem and if you have a hardware problem a software solution can also be useful to you so don't ignore what I'm saying to you here simply because it's a it's psychology it's not just psychology psychology determines the whole quality of your life so this is something that can be very powerful for you even if you got this a problem with the with your hardware so here's basically what I want to tell you about depression I was thinking about this because I'm noticing in my own life you know I worked really hard on my own personal development and one of the reasons I do that is because I'm you know I'm wise to the problems that would happen if I didn't do it you know one of the reasons that I do personal development because this you know it's it's exciting it's fun I get a lot of like positive stuff from it but another reason why I do it is kind of the flip side for negative reasons because I know how awful my life would be if I didn't do it and as I'm working on myself as I'm taking lots of action in certain areas in my life you know as I'm setting up my business orab setting up my relationships or I'm setting up my my career in my life purpose and I'm setting up my health and fitness as I'm doing these things and I'm really working hard to get good results there I've also noticed thing and I'm wondering hmm what would my life be like if I didn't do all that work to create this this thing that I wanted in my life what would happen if I was still 65 pounds overweight overweight the way that I was for most of my life and I was growing up how would I feel now what kind of problems would I have in my life how would I feel about those problems you know I wonder about that stuff a lot of times you do personal development then you kind of you take stuff for granted nowadays I take my weight for grant and I take for granted the fact that I'm I'm lean and I'm healthy and I also take for granted some of the stuff that I learned about relationships how to manage relationships and I take for granted for example my money situation with my business because I was working really hard to put that area of my life into place so I wonder you know how would I feel right now in my life if I didn't have my business if I didn't have my life purpose if I didn't have the stuff that I know about relationships if I was still overweight if I didn't work on my negative thinking a lot if I didn't work on my people-pleasing a lot if I didn't meditate if I didn't go to the gym if I didn't look after my diet if I didn't work hard at my job if I didn't pay my bills on time if I wasn't uh handling my family situation in the right way if I was hanging around with negative people if I was living in a bad neighborhood if I was living in a bad country you know what would my life be like and I'm pretty sure that I can make myself depressed it's hard for me to imagine now that I can become depressed I'm not a naturally depressive person but I can easily see how I could become that way if I let myself go here's a little story to help illustrate this I don't know where where I got the idea for this I think it's like Aesop's fables or something like that it's like an old children's story right where they have they have squirrels right there it was a story about like a squirrel and a bird and the winter is coming right it's the summer now the winter is coming and the squirrel he's smart he knows that winter's coming there's not gonna be enough food so he better run around and stash all those acorns build himself a nice nest or a burrow that he can that he can live in so that he can weather out the harsh winter that's about to come the bird or whoever else was the character in on the other side of this of the story he was like the carefree one he didn't care he didn't to build the nest he didn't want to go work and stash acorns or any other kind of provisions for himself so he was just carefree and living in the moment and then what happens of course winter finally comes and the squirrel the squirrel is nice and happy sitting in his little burrow with his squirrel family and he's got all those acorn stashed up and he's got more acorns than he could possibly need for the whole winter he's got enough for two winters so even if this winter ends up running extra-long he's still going to survive and even if it's extra cold he made sure to make his burrow extra comfy and extra warm so he's going to survive just fine but that bird heard that bird who was very carefree and didn't put stuff into place in his life now he's kind of screwed he's kind of screwed because winter has come and he doesn't have a nest he's freezing there's no food anywhere he doesn't know what to do he has no one to rely on is just him out there in the cold and if he's lucky he might survive and he just might make it just uh traumatized but he might not be so lucky he might actually that that situation might actually kill him that winter might kill him and so that's what I'm telling to you now if you're depressed because you went through some bad family situations maybe you were abused or maybe you lost a lot of money maybe somebody scammed you somebody robbed you maybe you had some serious medical conditions maybe you lost a limb maybe you became paralyzed maybe you're depressed because you feel like you aren't attracted to the opposite sex maybe you're depressed because you feel like you can get into a good relationship or you'll never find that person that you want to fall in love with and get married with or maybe you're depressed because you feel like you won't be able to to earn the money that you need your father struggling financially whatever you feel like you're stuck in what I'm telling you is that you're like that bird and the winter has come and now you're because you didn't build up that stash of acorns that the squirrel built up and so now you desperately need that stash of acorns you desperately need it or food or whatever you need that nest but you don't have it for whatever reason and I'm not necessarily blaming you I'm not saying that your situation was entirely avoidable so maybe you had a death in the family maybe you had a you know a string of bad luck or whatever happened made you depressed and maybe not maybe you're just depressed because you have no no purpose to your life or you're depressed because you don't have the kind of friends you want you know something a little bit more more ordinary less serious whatever your situation is in the end the problem is that winter now has come and you have not built the psychological resources that you need to survive and you're now stuck in this rut right you're stuck in this rut because whatever situation you're in whether it's lack of money or losing a loved one or not being able to attract that mate that you want you know whatever it's actually depressed that is not something that necessarily has to keep you depressed there have been many people in history who have gone through the same circumstances that you're going through and even much worse and have come out perfectly fine in fact they've used that to build themselves up even stronger to become even happier to learn valuable life lessons but see if you're depressed right now and is feeling very hopeless then you feel like a victim you feel like you don't have a lot of options you can't change the stuff you feel like it's permanent you feel like nothing will help you and see what that is is it's not so much the reality that's out there it's more about the mental rut that you're in because now winter has come and technically speaking this bird who's out in the cold and who didn't provision himself for the winter he actually can still survive the winter if he's smart if he mobilizes if he starts to take action if he puts in the hard work that's necessary so it's not hopeless for this bird it's not hopeless it's simply that it's going to be difficult it might be extremely difficult the place that you're in right now to dig your way out and to to move forward up to that happy place that you want to be but that amazing that you want that's still something that's on the table for you even though winter has come so it's not hopeless but the real problem is that right now you lack the psychological resources necessary to actually go out there and seize it so that's what I want to give you here today I want to show you how to develop those psychological resources because right now honestly the things that you're really missing are you're missing motivation you're missing willpower you're missing faith and you're missing confidence in yourself these are the core things that you're missing that you're going to need now to you it might sound like well Leo I can't feed my family on motivation I can't improve my my job and financial situation simply on faith and confidence so you're telling me about all these kind of nice abstract things motivation willpower faith and confidence but I need something more more tangible more practical I need money I need sex I need love I need a better health or something like that stay with me here because what I'm giving you is a little bit abstract but you'll see that this is what's necessary to get all the tangible stuff that you think you need and also you might not need as much tangible stuff as you think you do a lot of you what you just need is you need a new way of seeing the world because you've got filters on that's making the world seem very depressing and when those filters are removed all of a sudden the exact same world will look very very different and no longer will it be depressing and to do that to remove those filters to work on yourself to do the hard work that's necessary you're going to need that motivation you're going to need that willpower you're going to need that faith you need that confidence because right now your brain is tricking you and telling you that you can't that you won't that you're stuck that it's hopeless right and that's where a little bit of that faith in that confidence to come in so the winter is here for you and it might be a very real winter it might not be an illusory winter the fact that you're already depressed and you lack these mental resources these psychological resources that in and of itself is a winter because to me one of the scariest things in life is not that I run out of money although I worry about that sometimes or that I don't have that relationship I want or that my friends leave me or something like that for me the scarier thing is that I lose my resourcefulness in order to acquire that I lose my drive I lose my ability to get myself mobilized to take action I lose my purpose in life I'll lose my passion I lose my ability to think critically independently so that's the scarier thing and so because of that your depression is actually real even though it might be illusory because you might feel like you need something that you don't actually need or that something happened to you in the past that you feel like has really crippled you today but actually it might not be crippling you but the fact that you believe it is already enough and so you don't have the mental resources and that is a big problem why is it B problem because winter is here and you need to go and you need to gather acorns you need to eat otherwise you're going to starve but you don't have the ability to go out there and mobilize and the reason is is because you see that there's emotional labor involved for you here emotional labor it means that there's going to be pain struggle to get yourself out of this deep deep hole that you're in and that in and of itself can be depressing so you're mentally weak now you feel like you're in this rut and you feel like it's hopeless is from where you are now to where you want to go or where you need to go even maybe to reach kind of a normal level not even an awesome level of life but just kind of an average level you might it might feel like you you have to work a lot it might seem like you don't even see the light at the end of the tunnel it's so far away but this is my solution for you is that you need to mobilize to fight that's the solution this is how you handle a depression it might seem simple but this is what it takes simply the desire to mobilize to fight right now a mobilization needs to happen for you right you can't run away from it anymore you can't keep avoiding the emotional labor you can't keep procrastinating it and hoping that somehow you can weasel your way out of it because it's too late for that you could have done that you could have prepared before when it was summer you could have prepared when it was fall you still could have prepared but now it's the middle of winter it's ice cold you can't prepare anymore now it's mobilization time now it's time to fight this is the fight for your life that's what it is and you need to realize that and you need to accept it that's the problem is that you don't want to accept it right now you don't accept the pain I want to help you to accept it though see mobilization is an interesting thing because human beings and other organisms and other not just organisms but other cybernetic systems a cybernetic system is any kind of complex system that has internal feedback loops which allow it to adjust for various situations that are happening in environment so a thermostat is very simple cybernetic system but you know a computer is a more complicated one and of course your your human brain in your body is a is a very complicated cybernetic system especially the cybernetic systems that have evolved I'd have to have to go through a you know a fitness process a survival the fittest process those organisms they have developed resources to mobilize to take massive action when necessary to fight when necessary that's what your fight and flight response are for so if you get threatened by a wild animal or a burglar in the night on the side you're going to feel like you have much more energy to act to fight to run right because it's a life-and-death situation and your body always has extra reserves that allow to mobilize to handle really dangerous life-threatening situations well this is kind of the system that you need to tap into right now and it's not going to be for one day it might take you six months it might take you 12 months it might take you three years of this mobilizing in order to conquer whatever demons you have whatever circumstances you have to get out of this depression but you can do it it's within you the problem is that you don't really want to do it right and especially right now if there's no dire emergency situation on your hands you can feel very depressed but there's nothing that's really lighting a fire under your ass there's no grizzly bear staring at your face that's about tomorrow you which will get that adrenaline pumping so it's a little bit tricky which is why I'm shooting this video while I'm talking to you but you can do kind of a self mobilization you know it's interesting in World War two you can if you're stood of history you've studied this that whenever there is a major war in some country it's amazing at how that country is able to mobilize resources to defend itself so in World War two for example the United States if you've ever watched one of those Discovery Channel or History Channel documentaries you know that the United States did a massive massive mobilization effort to produce like incredible output of industry in order to help stop the Germans and to to to prevent World War two from advancing and this happened I believe in World War one as well so what's going on here is for example the United States started to create ships just like they created production lines where they were literally creating giant ships for for naval warfare and they were doing it as such a ridiculous rate where they were like building a ship a day like it was it was incredible how quickly and how much they were building ships when you kind of look at a nation during peacetime it seems like you know the nation has certain problems you watch the news there's political problems Democrats Republicans there they're always bickering and fighting with each other they can't get anything passed it takes them 10 years to pass a certain you know health care reform or something like that but see that's that's a country that's not motivated that's a lazy country that's a country that has the luxury to do this kind of bickering and nonsense that's kind of the luxury that we have actually is the United States we can we can just kind of sit back and argue about silly stuff but when push comes to shove and there's like a war going on like a really serious war I'm not talking about little war like the war in Iraq that's not a really threatening war to the United States but I talk about a serious war like World War two where the you select United say it's might've felt like they were actually threatened there was actually an attack on Hawaii with Pearl Harbor etc so there's a real you know more serious threat there that if if Germany took over Europe then you'd the US was next on there kind of hit list so they're like fight and flight response starts to kick in adrenaline starts kicking and when that kicks in is like BAM we can produce ships by you know by the ton so many ships we don't even know what to do with them it's interesting on that works so what I'm proposing is that you're capable of this exact same thing you're also capable of this but you need to mobilize yourself you need to get yourself ready to endure the pain because there's pain ahead but you got to endure it see right now you're think of yourself I don't want to endure this pain I don't want to endure all the change I have to do and you know the stuff you got to do but you don't want to do it the reason that is is because of course you would rather postpone it you'd rather procrastinate it another day another week a month a year but the more and more you do that the deeper and deeper you sink into this depression the less capable you become so that's a dangerous game that you're playing it if you play for too long you might really really get yourself into a very very deep hole that maybe you won't even be able to dig yourself out of so to prevent that from happening what I want to do here is I want to help you right now to mobilize to deal with this pain to accept it and to take it on as a challenge that's what it's going to take so whatever your challenge is right now think of it in your head money relationships how you feel about yourself whatever it is I want you to draw a line in the sand we're drawing a line in the sand right now right here you and me right we're doing this for you we're drawing a line in the sand and once we draw that line in the sand you're going to step over that line and you're not going to come back by stepping over this line what you're saying to yourself is that you are mobilized that you are willing to take on the pain the emotional labor that's going to go into that you know what I mean by emotional labor right emotional labor is all that work that you're gonna have to do that's not going to feel very good in order to really build yourself up so when that squirrel was running around worrying about the winter gathering all those acorns doing all that hard lifting and pushing and collecting and storing that was emotional labor for him now you're gonna have to do that are you ready alright I want you to draw a line in the sand and I want you to say this with me I am a force I'm a force to be reckoned with and I have resources within me that I can't even consciously tap right now but I know that they're in there and I'm going to tap into it now because this depression that I've been under this this this way that my life is and going this what that I've been in no more of that I don't want to do that anymore that's too painful in fact that's more painful than if I just accept the pain and take on the challenge of mobilizing myself to fix this and I'm going to fix it through brute force I'm going to brute force it there's not going to be any weasely little solutions I'm not going to wait for some magic to happen or the perfect time to come next year for me to do whatever I need to do to lose that weight or to fix my health or to get that relationship handled or to get the money situation handled now now through brute force it's going to happen now through massive action it's going to happen and I will do anything to make it happen absolutely anything I'm willing to do what does it take tell me what it takes I'm going to do it what does it mean does that mean that I have to go to the gym every single day for two hours I will do it does it mean I need to move to a different city a different state a different country I will do it does it mean I need to go find a new job maybe I need to find three new jobs I will do it does that need to I need to break off this relationship and get a divorce I will do it what does it take tell me what it takes I'm willing to do anything absolutely anything I will literally work myself dead before I surrender and I'm stepping over the line the mindset you need to have to mobilize this is how you mobilize yourself even though I've never been depressed there have been times in my life where I felt very down about my prospects about my future and there have been times in my life where I had to mobilize like this right I knew for example that my weight I was overweight my whole life I knew that that was something I needed to really mobilize myself for because there was no way I'm going to break all those decades of bad habits without this kind of intense mobilization so I did I I did exactly that with my weight and that really worked for me another area in my life where I really mobilized hard was when I started my business really hard hard hard mobilization to do that because that was also kind of a do-or-die situation I knew that if I was going to find my life purpose if I was going to do what I really loved to do I would need to become financially independent and to do that I have to go embark on a brand new journey of entrepreneurship that I didn't have any ideas about how to manage I didn't know if I was going to be successful I had a lot of doubts and so I just had to brute-force my way through that and also with my relationship side to really brute force my way through that because I was so bad with relationships that I literally thought that if I didn't mobilize myself right here and right now that I would die lonely without ever getting to a relationship with anybody I was that bad and I was that not depressed but uh you know I I knew I had a crystal clear picture of what was going to happen if I just continued on my current track so you need to surrender yourself here not surrender your life what I'm talking about is surrender to the emotional labor there's work involved you probably know how much work is ahead for example I knew how much work was ahead I need to lose a lot of weight but I surrendered myself to that after mobilizing what nice is that when you accept the challenge when you accept the pain you so you don't it I'm just going to do whatever it takes literally anything I'll do and then that's not just words but you actually go out and have followed up with action you actually realize that you don't need the end result right now to feel happy you don't need to wait a year to lose all that weight you don't need to wait two years to fix your money problems just by starting to mobilize it to take that massive action already you're going to start to feel a lot of relief you're going to start to feel better than you felt in a long long time because you've surrendered to the emotional labor and that's really what you're resisting right now you're trying to weasel your way out of it I know it I do it too we all do it nobody wants to go head-on and collide with a lot of pain a lot of work a lot of emotional labor nobody likes to do that but here's the truth is that you're stuck right now and if you don't take this option then you might not have any other options left so you're stuck now because you've been avoiding this labor you've been avoiding it you've been putting it off been procrastinating you didn't want the pain all the fears that you have about all the things that could go wrong how uncomfortable it's going to feel how much pain there's going to be how much suffering there's going to be in there for you if you keep giving in to those fears if you keep taking them seriously if you don't surrender to them then you're going to stay stuck and I'm honestly not optimistic for you because most people when they're not situation they stay stuck if I had to put my money on it I would always always always bet that you're not going to mobilize every time I would bet that you're not because you people will it takes inner strength inner resolve something has to click in you I hope something clicks on you now because if something doesn't clicking you now you're staying stuck and the more you avoided the deeper it's going to it's going to get it's the only going to get worse so the solution is to bite the bullet you simply have to bite the bullet right now surrender to whatever you have to do to whatever it takes and you're going to see that this is the way it's actually not going to be depressing for you to do this surrender what's depressing for you now is that you don't have any options once you do the surrender and once you tell yourself that you're doing anything whatever it takes you're no longer depressed because you're taking action you're moving forward it's not hopeless if you tell yourself that you'll do anything it takes you're going to find a way maybe it's going to be a long tortuous inconvenient way but you'll find a way but if you're telling yourself well I'm going to wait for a good way to reveal itself to me you might be waiting for the rest of your life so we can't say anything about that that's why this mobilisation is powerful it's because when you're back into a corner and your life is at stake then your body summons hidden inner resources that you didn't even know you had that allow you to overcome amazing obstacles and in the end you overcoming those obstacles are gonna that's going to be one of the one of the most rewarding and and powerful experiences of your life you're going to look back on it five ten twenty years from now I didn't say wow that was amazing that I had the strength to mobilize what I did and that after mobilizing I stayed with it I kept with it I stayed with my word I stayed true to the fact that I would do anything and through that and only through that I broke out and if I didn't mobilize then I would have been stuck and maybe even twenty years thirty years would have passed and I would have still stayed stuck and how miserable would that be how big about a waste of life would that be you would definitely regret doing that if you or your future wiser self so try to take on that wisdom right now mobilize yourself right now bite the bullet right now surrender to the pain right now and you will start to move ahead you're going to feel much better because you're going to open up a whole world of possibilities for you all right this is Leo that's what I have to say about how I would deal with depression if it wasn't the hardcore clinical medical kind and even if it was that kind I would still take on a psychological approach in addition to the medication I would have get because your psychology is a lot more powerful than you think it is especially when you're depressed alright I'm signing off go ahead and post your comments down below I'd love to hear what you think leave me a like click the like button right now so the video can become more popular the more these videos are watched the more free videos I can keep releasing to you guys I can't release them if the channel is not popular so I appreciate your help in that also spread them around share them on Facebook that also helps me out and finally come and sign up to my newsletter at actualizado right here it's a free newsletter I'm releasing new videos like this every single week I cover issues about how to create a successful life how to master your psychology how to think more positively how to use various advanced techniques to understand yourself better to create the kind 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